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Focus on the beef industry with Lakeland s new animal science major In the beef science major you ll study both commercial and purebred cow calf operations as well as feedlots You ll start at calving and go through the complete production cycle You ll finish with beef products one of your courses is meat science Hands-on and student-led experiences are the bedrock of this program You ll grow both knowledge and skills related to herd health nutrition animal handling finance marketing Your Student-Managed Farm SMF powered by New Holland choices include purebred commercial or livestock research units Or you may choose a student-led practicum Through labs and student-managed opportunities you ll have a thorough and practical understanding of the beef industry You ll be ready to start your career in any industry sector or on your own farm or ranch
Those opportunities are centered in our student-managed farm (SMF) model. Or, if you choose student-directed practicum.
For example:
hone your business management and marketing skills using real-time data to make decisions
build leadership and organization skills by planning and running sales and events such as The Roundup
experience summer and winter calving management options
You’ll be ready to start your career in any industry sector, or on your own farm or ranch.
High school diploma with a minimum 50% in:
If you didn’t graduate from an Alberta high school, please refer to the English, Math and Science provincial subject equivalencies.
If you don’t meet the admission requirements, please refer to special admissions.