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This master's degree program is designed to complement a variety of undergraduate preparation and thus assist the student to acquire a generally well-rounded educational background.
The program requires a minimum of 30 graduate credits and includes a master's research seminar (currently ETap 680 or 681), at least one course in the area of educational and social thought, and specialized courses to support the student's area of concentration.
Course in Educational and Social Thought (3 credits)
Choose one of the following:
Macrosociology of Education and Educational Leadership
Microsociology of Education and Educational Leadership
Content Area Courses (12 credits)
Choose four graduate courses offered by the College of Arts and Sciences in your initial teacher certification content area. For example, if you received initial certification to teach mathematics in secondary schools, you might select graduate classes such as Vector Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Advanced Linear Algebra, and Transformation Geometry.
Concentration Courses (12 credits)
Create your own concentration by taking four graduate courses offered by the School of Education in topics related to your professional interests.
Research Seminar (3 credits)
Choose one of the following research seminars:
Critical Introduction to Educational Research Paradigms
Study educational research models and paradigms and how they inform teaching practice. In this seminar, you complete critical readings, analyze educational data sets, and apply your findings.
Our students demonstrate the ability to integrate educational theory in the service of guiding effective instructional decision making.
Our students use technology effectively to support collaboration and engagement in the process of knowledge construction.
Our students promote meaningful, engaged learning for diverse students, regardless of their race, gender, ethnic heritage, or cultural background
Admissions Requirements
There is no departmental assistantship consideration for this program.
Required Credentials & Deadlines
Required Application Materials:
This program offers an internship, field experience, study abroad component, or clinical experience in the course listing as an option to fulfill course requirements. Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions. If applicants have concerns about this matter please contact the Dean’s Office of the intended academic program.
Tuition-$56,000 for 2 years