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The Environment Engineering Master of Science graduate program is ranked second nationally in the 1996 Gourman Report.The Department of Biomedical, Chemical, and Environmental Engineering offers the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering and Environmental Science. The environmental engineering and science programs offer specializations in air pollution control/air quality, water quality processes, hazardous waste engineering and management, environmental hydrology and environmental engineering management. Some programs are available on a part- time basis. The programs, their faculty, course work and research facilities and activities are described in detail in an information package from the department.
Environmental Engineering MS-2019
Seminar Course Requirements
Students take 3 credits of seminar. They enroll in ENVE 7005 once and ENVE 6076 two times (fall and spring).
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE7005 Safety, Facilities and Resources Seminar for Environmental Engineering and Science 1
ENVE6076 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Engineering and Science 1
ENVE6076 Advanced Seminar in Environmental Engineering and Science 1
Math Requirement
Complete the following math requirement
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6094 Probability and Estimation Methods for Engineering Systems (C min) 3
Research Hours
Students register for at least 10 credit hours under advisor's section of ENVE8099.
Course Title/Desc Credit
Air Quality Focus Area
Students in the Air Quality focus area fulfill the following requirements.
Air Quality Requirement
Students take both of the following courses.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6064 Air Resources Management (C min) 3
ENVE6022C Atmospheric Chemistry and Monitoring (C min) 3
Hydrosystems Requirement
Students choose one of the following courses.
Course Title/Desc Credit
CVE6090 Engineering Hydrology (C min) 3
ENVE6026 Environmental/Hydrologic Systems Analysis (C min) 3
Water Quality Requirement
Students choose at least one of the following courses.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6047 Chemical Principles of Environmental Systems (C min) 3
ENVE6053 Physical Principles of Environmental Systems (C min) 3
ENVE6000 Applied Biology for Engineers (C min) 3
Lab Requirement
Students take the following course.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6058C Environmental Instrumentation (C min) 3
Focus Area Electives
Students choose at least one of the following with advisor approval.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6071C Aerosol Science, Engineering and Control (C min) 4
ENVE6075 Air Quality Modeling and Data Analysis (C min) 3
ENVE6047 Chemical Principles of Environmental Systems (C min) 3
ENVE6053 Physical Principles of Environmental Systems (C min) 3
ENVE6000 Applied Biology for Engineers (C min) 3
GEOG6071C Introduction to Geographic Information Sciences (C min) 3
PLAN6071 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (C min) 3
6XXX+ Any appropriate 6000+ level course approved by advisor
(C min) 3 - 4
Hydrosystems Focus Area
Students in the Hydrosystems focus area fulfill the following requirements.
Hydrosystems Requirement
Students take both of the following courses.
Course Title/Desc Credit
CVE6090 Engineering Hydrology (C min) 3
ENVE6026 Environmental/Hydrologic Systems Analysis (C min) 3
Air Quality Requirement
Students take the following course.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6064 Air Resources Management (C min) 3
Water Quality Requirement
Students choose at least one of the following courses.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6047 Chemical Principles of Environmental Systems (C min) 3
ENVE6053 Physical Principles of Environmental Systems (C min) 3
ENVE6000 Applied Biology for Engineers (C min) 3
Lab Requirement
Students choose one of the following versions of Introduction to GIS.
Course Title/Desc Credit
GEOG6071C Introduction to Geographic Information Sciences (C min) 3
PLAN6071 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (C min) 3
Focus Area Electives
Students choose at least one of the following courses with advisor approval.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6050 Civil and Environmental Infrastructure Systems Planning Under Uncertainty (C min) 3
STAT6041 Time Series (C min) 3
STAT6043 Applied Bayesian Analysis (C min) 3
6XXX+ Any appropriate 6000+ level course with advisor approval
(C min) 3 - 4
Water Quality Focus Area
Students who choose the Water Quality focus area fulfill the following requirements.
Water Quality Requirement
Students take both of the following courses.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6047 Chemical Principles of Environmental Systems (C min) 3
ENVE6053 Physical Principles of Environmental Systems (C min) 3
Air Quality Requirement
Students take the following course.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6064 Air Resources Management (C min) 3
Hydrosystems Requirement
Students choose one of the following courses.
Course Title/Desc Credit
CVE6090 Engineering Hydrology (C min) 3
ENVE6026 Environmental/Hydrologic Systems Analysis (C min) 3
Lab Requirement
Students take the following course.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6058C Environmental Instrumentation (C min) 3
Focus Area Electives
Students choose at least one of the following courses with advisor approval.
Course Title/Desc Credit
ENVE6055 Biological Processes for Water Quality Control (C min) 3
6XXX+ Any appropriate 6000+ level course with advisor approval
(C min) 3 - 4
GRE is required for the below programs, with the exception of any student that receives their bachelor's (BS) degree from an ABET accredited university in the United States with a GPA of 3.0+. *However, please note Biomedical Engineering requires GRE for all applicants, even students with a 3.0 or higher who graduated from an ABET accredited U.S. university.
Architectural Engineering – MEng
GRE is optional for the below programs: The below programs do not require GRE. If you've taken the GRE you can report it and it will be added to your application.
We require the GRE General Test, which includes verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing sections. Subject tests are not required. We will only accept tests taken within five years before the date of application. The average GRE accepted is 310 total on the quantitative and verbal. The University of Cincinnati institutional code for GRE is 1833, department code is not required. GRE information can be found here. A GRE Home test is available. Scores must be sent to UC electronically.
Admission Requirements
Tuition fee-2 years$60,000
Total fee-2 years$92,000